93. Why do some people call Harappan civilization the "steatite civilization"? Dennys FrenezJonathan Mark KenoyerMassimo VidaleNisha Yadav Read more about Why do some people call Harappan civilization the "steatite civilization"?
67. Is flint knapping around the Indus period similar or different to flint knapping in other Bronze age societies? Massimo VidalePaolo Biagi Read more about Is flint knapping around the Indus period similar or different to flint knapping in other Bronze age societies?
88. What role do you think the Rohri flint mines played in the Indus civilization? Massimo VidalePaolo BiagiRandall LawRita P. Wright Read more about What role do you think the Rohri flint mines played in the Indus civilization?
81. Are there significant changes in flint mining techniques between prehistoric and Indus flint knappers? Jonathan Mark KenoyerPaolo BiagiRandall Law Read more about Are there significant changes in flint mining techniques between prehistoric and Indus flint knappers?
64. Why are flint and fire so important to ancient societies? Dennys FrenezPaolo Biagi Read more about Why are flint and fire so important to ancient societies?
12. Was the trade relationship between the Harappans and the Mesopotamians a direct one? Iravatham MahadevanJane McIntoshRichard H. MeadowShereen RatnagarRita P. Wright Read more about Was the trade relationship between the Harappans and the Mesopotamians a direct one?
18. Why did the Harappans go to such extraordinary lengths and distance to obtain raw materials such as copper? Jane McIntoshRichard H. MeadowShereen RatnagarRita P. Wright Read more about Why did the Harappans go to such extraordinary lengths and distance to obtain raw materials such as copper?
27. How did Harappans measure value? Asko ParpolaIravatham MahadevanRichard H. Meadow Read more about How did Harappans measure value?
82. Have the remains of a marketplace or shop been found at any of the Indus sites? Dennys FrenezJonathan Mark KenoyerMassimo VidaleRandall LawRita P. Wright Read more about Have the remains of a marketplace or shop been found at any of the Indus sites?