Harappa 2: Fall of Shuruppak
The Fall of Shuruppak traces the adventures of our hero, Upaas, as he travels to summer with sage Vasishta and his friend Shushun.
The Fall of Shuruppak traces the adventures of our hero, Upaas, as he travels to summer with sage Vasishta and his friend Shushun.
This is the third book in the Shiva Trilogy (which includes Book 1: The Immortals of Meluha and Book 2: Secret of the Nagas).
Shiva has accepted his destiny, but it has brought him to despair.
In an attempt to examine Harappan diet and environment, this book draws on analyses of archaeological plant materials from Rojdi, Gujarat (3500BC to 2000BC) to explore subsistence patterns and environmental change within a socioeconomic framework.
Although it has little to do with the ancient Indus Valley, this amusing graphic novel invokes those times to acidly comment on the breathtaking modernization of India.
Taya has risen from humble roots to become a fire seer in the Coalition of Mages. Eager to prove herself, she arrives in the town of Harappa to locate a “jackal”—a mage operating outside the Coalition’s authority—who has murdered three people.
5,200 years ago, in this 6th book of the Raising Up Pharaoh epic, the seaborne scouts arrive at Ezion-Geber with the horsemen’s king and families.
The excavations at Harappa in Punjab (Pakistan) conducted by joint USA and Pakistani teams since 1986 have provided much detailed new information on the development, nature, and significance of this large ancient Indus civilization urban center. Free PDF.
This Case Studies in Early Societies book presents exiting new finds and deductions from Dr. Wright's work on lesser Harappan towns and villages along the Beas River.
Summing up thirty years of groundbreaking investigation by a Finnish Sanskritologist and world's expert on Indus writing. By far the best, most comprehensive guide to the Indus script problem.
An outstandingly vivid recreation of one of the world's great yet all-but-lost ancient civilizations.
A Teaching Kit with a Large Wall Poster, set of 16 colour photocards, and teachers booklet with suggested activities. Very well produced.
The author, the late Gregory Possehl, was one of the world's leading experts on the ancient Indus Valley. This recently published book is a summary of his extensive volumes summarizing ancient Indus archaeology and research.
A revised edition of Shereen Ratnagar's Encounters: The Westerly Trade of the Harappa Civilization. The book explores the scope of the trading contacts of the centres that fell within the "Indus Valley" civilizations.
This fascinating book suggests alternatives to the 'environmental catastrophe' theories of Harappan civilizational collapse, with a discussion about the nature of the Harappan state and what its weaknesses might have been. The civilization is placed in a wider geographic setting to explore not just the internal factors but also those operating within the Bronze Age at large.
Early civilization in Pakistan from the 8th to the 2nd millenium B.C. Beautifully illustrated with essays by a number of prominent European and American scholars. Free French version available.
Good quality well-researched paperback in the History Open Windows Series by a respected education writer introduces ancient Indus Valley to the 7 - 11 age group.
The standard comprehensive text incorporating findings through its publication date and relating them to the author's wide and deep understanding of contemporary ancient cultures.
This Supplemental Volume to the Cambridge History of India is an outdated (1968) but rigorously argued synthesis by a pioneering British archaeologist. With some nicely done plans and cross-sections.
A coloring book story about a boy from Harappa and a girl from Mohenjo-daro by Dr. Jonathan Mark Kenoyer. Based on the latest findings about the ancient Indus Valley civilization.
The first of a four volume study by the senior American Indus scholar, covering the history of attempts to decipher the script. A very thorough history by an author highly sceptical of all attempts so far and an incredibly valuable overview for anyone seriously into the script.