A number of miscellaneous objects emerged during excavations on Mound F, which contributed the majority of artifacts catalogued in the 1921 ASI report by Daya Ram Sahni. Among these were what he called lids and covers for crucibles – "shallow bowls with handles on the convex or concave side" (p. 12). He also thought that one of the circular objects above could be "for burning the sacred light at worship."
"Three of these terracotta objects appear to be lids, but the one with four holes could also have been used as a scale pan. The fragments on the bottom right with circular ridges is probably a gaming piece with a spiraling channel for rolling a stone or clay ball."
- Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, 2021.
A. 230 Quadrant (radius of a dish which consisted of a hollow cavity in the centre, with two concentric rings around it. Possibly for burning the sacred light at worship.
A. 183 Terracotta lid (width 2") of a crucible, with a loop handle at the top.
A. 28 A lid (diam[eter]. 15") of type 11"
[No entry for A 267, though the closest is A. 268 Basin (height 1 1/2") of a tumbler].
[Appendix D] Terracotta objects A 183, A 230, A 267 and A 280 [sic, 280 is described as a chess piece.
[Original caption] Terracotta objects Nos. A 183, A 230, A 267 and A 280 [sic A 28 likely].