Lid and Dish Cover 21

The lid on the left – "shaped like a vase" – shows how varied these objects interpreted as covers could be, including the complex "dish cover" on the right. Sahni concluded, of which these objects fall into the first category:

"The excavations were fruitful in bringing to light an interesting collection of earthenware objects of a pre-historic date which may be classified under' the following heads:—

(1) Vessels of ordinary domestic use all turned on the wheel.
(2) Terracotta objects consisting of figurines of men, animals, etc.
(3) Ornaments.

- Daya Ram Sahni, Annual Progress Report of the Archaeological Survey [of India], Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle for the Year Ending 31st March 1921, p. 12.

"The terracotta object on the left A255 is the inverted fragment of a pedestalled vessel. For a complete example see late Harappan pottery.

"The fragmentary object on the right is possibly not from the Harappa Phase but from the later occupation levels."

- Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, 2021.

ASI Description: 

A. 255 Central portion, shaped as a vase, of the lid of a chati. The surrounding flat portion is missing.

[Appendix D] 2756 Handle of an earthenware lid (A 255) and top of a dish cover [no no. given].

[Original caption] Handle of a earthenware lid a dish cover

ASI Number: 
Punjab Volume: 
Silver Plate: 
(Item) Serial Number: 
A 255
Find spot: 
22 x 2
Depth (ft.): 
Depth (in.):