April 27th, 2017
Jonathan Mark Kenoyer writes of this stunning figurine: "We also see the bun hairstyle on the miniature bronze sculpture of a male spear-thrower or dancer. Traces of eyes and nose are present. The hair is arranged in a bun on the back of the head, with a turban or long hair wrapped around the head. The twisting posture and upraised arm suggest a spear held in the right arm." (Kenoyer, Ancient Cities of the Indus Civilization, p. 136)
Found at Chanhiyun Jo Daro [Chanhudaro], Joint Expedition of the American School of Indic and Iranian Studies and the Museum of Fine Arts, 1935–1936 Season.
Indus Valley Civilization
Harappan period
2600–1900 B.C.
4.1 cm (1 5/8 in.)