Daya Ram Sahni quickly recognized the preponderance of female figurines; after describing the two male figurines found, he writes:
"All the other human figures are female figures (Plate X, Photo. No, 2807-b) which appear to be crude caricatural representations. The method of making these figures is very simple. The entire body is roughly shaped out of a lump of wet clay, and features, drapery, ornaments, etc., are then separately made and struck on in proper positions."
- Daya Ram Sahni, Annual Progress Report of the Archaeological Survey [of India], Hindu and Buddhist Monuments, Northern Circle for the Year Ending 31st March 1921, p. 13, 18, x.
For more examples of figurines from Harappa, see the 72 slide series Embodying Indus Life.
B 45 [sic] Terracotta ring (diam. 1").
A. 95 Handle of a jar shaped like a bugle )length 2 7/8") with hands applied to it.
A. 157 Head of a female terracotta figure with necklace 3' 6" and two large cup-like receptacles on the sides. Type 20 (height 1/4").
[Appendix D] 2807 Two terracotta figurines (A 157 and B 45) and a Harappa handle of a jar (A 95).