Welcome to the new Harappa.com!

Above: Artist's Conception, Mound E Gateway at Harappa

Welcome to the new Harappa.com! Rebuilt after 20 years with over 1,600 pages and hundreds of new images. A database-driven community site with the world's leading ancient Indus scholars. And art work based on actual Indus seals, characters and objects.

A good place to start is the 90 Slide Tour of the Ancient Indus Valley by Jonathan Mark Kenoyer or some of the more recent discoveries at Harappa by Richard H. Meadow. . There are 20 illustrated slide shows, including a 100 slide tour of Mohenjo-daro. Excavations at Gola Dhora (Bagasra) in Gujarat. A walk through Lothal. A collection of figurines from Harappa. Offbeat things like the Rohri flint mines, into which all the archaeological sites in South Asia could probably fit.

There is a lot on the writing. Essays cover Deciphering the Indus Script with Asko Parpola and Iravatham Mahadevan's The Indus Script. There are interviews with people like Agha Hasan Dani. Articles cover Indus script analysis at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR).

There are 200 articles, and 100 books. No advertising. Works on mobile. Science, not fantasies. Offer your comments to what we actually know about the ancient Indus Civilization in India and Pakistan between 1700 BCE and 3500 BCE.