An eminent Indus archaeologist looks at the Kulli culture, a highland culture in Baluchistan contemporaneous and adjacent to the ancient Indus civilization at its height. So little is known about this distinct culture whose hallmarks seem to have been absorbed into later Indus Civilization. The author Gregory Possehl writes "The formal properties of the Kulli archaeological record as compared to that of the lowlands can be used to develop a hypothesis that the [Kulli] Complex was an organic part of urban processes in western South Asia during the third millenium B.C. and that it is best concieved of as the highland aspect of the Indus Civilization." More work continues in this space, including a forthcoming book by Rita P. Wright.
Series: Center of Civilization
Hardcover: 168 pages
Publisher: Carolina Academic Pr; 1st edition (1986)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0890891737
ISBN-13: 978-0890891735