Mackay writes about the large building in Block 22 (p. 152):
"At the floor level of the Late II Phase this building measured 51 feet 3 inches, North-South, by 56 ft. long at the north and about 54 feet 9 ins. at the south.
Using maps and cross-sections of the cultural deposits from HARP, surfaces were generated to represent the interfaces of cultural layers in the mounds at Harappa. This represents the growth of the city of ancient Harappa vertically and through time.
Period 3A deposits, representing an early urban phase, exist beneath Mounds E and also show expansion onto the area beneath Mound AB. Growth in the city of Harappa is shown to be both lateral and vertical.
Period 3B and 3C deposits essentially cover the entire modeled area and represent the greatest extent of the ancient urban center.
J. M. Kenoyer has developed a model describing some of the processes that contribute to the urban growth at Harappa.
Period IV-V
1900-1700 B.C.
Period IIIBC
2450-1900 B.C.
Period IIIA
2600-2450 B.C.
Period II
2800-2600 B.C.
Period I
3300-2800 B.C.
before 3300 B.C.
The purpose of this continuing research is to develop a system