John Marshall

Sir John Marshall was a prominent British archaeologist and scholar who focused on the archaeology India and the Indus Valley site - Mohenjo-daro.

Indus Interior

Mackay speculates on the owner of this building in Block 22, which may have looked something like this sketch by him of another Indus home (p. 154): I am inclined to think that this building was the house of some rich personage, for it is very

Back of Seal

Mackay continues (p. 377 in Marshall 1931): "The boss was then carefully rounded off after the groove that always runs across its centre had been roughly made by a V-shaped cut.


Mackay writes that most of the bosses on the backs of seals had the same size and shape. The perforation always runs in the direction of the animal's body, to help keep the seal upright when worn around the neck. The boss is centered on the back and

The Unicorn

If the figure does represent a cattle species, the clearly carved collar, garland and necklace could help explain its function. Sacrificial animals in village India are often garlanded and decorated similarly today.


The unicorn always has this object in front of it. There are at least five theories about this object. Mackay and Marshall thought it was the feeding trough or "manger" still seen in Sindh today.
