Two Stone Pieces 65

Two large stone pieces. Both smooth, with traces of worked surface.

Possibly the two blocks of grey and red sandstone marked B.1514 and B.1515 from Mound B, in the stratum with “a large collection of animal bones” (ref: photo No. 31, ARASI 1924-25, Plate XXVI (a)). Of the area Sahni noted:

“Other noteworthy objects on this level were two blocks of sandstone carved in the shape of a tortoiseshell on one side, but with oval sockets cut on the other side (B. 1514-15). All I can say at present about them is that they might have been pedestals of some kind of images or base of pillars.”

- Daya Ram Sahni, ARASI 1924-25, p. 79.

Vats: Mound AB, Stratum III, mentioned Daya Ram Sahni’s finds:

“To the west, in squares Q 18/17 and 18, was a broken rectangular pavement of the Illrd stratum with brick edging. It is in two parts and measures 10 ft. from north to south by 4 ft. across (PI. XXX, b). In its southern half is a narrow, unpaved chamber (1 ft. 5 in. by 1 ft. 4 in.) lined with brick-on-edge. A similar chamber was found in the large rectangular floor of Stratum V, and two more in other parts of Trench I in Mound F. At the bottom of this chamber, Rai Bahadur Daya Ram Sahni found some fragments of charred bones which led him to think that this was a samadhi, [footnote 1: A.S.R for 1924-25, p. 78] but as similar bones are still found in the debris immediately under the foundation of the same flooring, those recovered by the Rai Bahadur probably also formed part of the debris. Twenty feet east of this floor is a wall of Stratum III, and 40 ft. further on in the same direction are the remains of a brick-on-edge pavement in squares P 18/8 and 13, and. the fragment of a wall in square P 18/9. The following six antiquities were found in connection with this stratum …”

“4. Block of red sandstone carved somewhat in the shape of a tortoiseshell with a shallow oval cavity scooped out on the underside. Size 20X17 ½ in. No. B1515; Depth 11 ft. b.s.”

- Vats, M.S. 1940, Vol. I., p. 139.

NOTE: The photograph Two Stone Pieces [back] is possibly of the same stones, but of the other side.

ASI Number: 
Punjab Volume: 
Silver Plate: