Excavations in Trench A from South SP 3371

"Four other trial trenches were dug in site F in places which appeared most favourable for examination. One of them to the west of the main trench disclosed at the depth of about 8 feet a well-reserved water reservoir lined with brick and provided with a narrow covered channel (Plate XX, fig a.). By the side of the tank was standing a large earthern jar with its pointed bottom fixed in the ground. It was filled with earth in which were several smaller jars and terracotta figurines. The exact purpose of this reservoir has not been ascertained. In one of the sites explored at Mohenjo-daro in Sind. Mr. Banerji brought to light a tank analogous to the one found at Harappa and is of opinion that it was used as a charanamritakundu, i.e. a receptacle for holy water used for the washing of the sacred image, though it is difficult as yet to say whether idol worksip existed in thos early times. In this connection it is interesting to observe that the operations of 1920-21 brought to light at this very spot the defaced terracotta base of a statuette which might have been an object or worship [link]."

- Daya Ram Sahni, 1926. Annual Report Of The Archaeological Survey Of India 1923-24, pp 52-53. Image: Plate XX, a.

"The IIIrd statum is represented in the northern portion by a small well 1 ft. 10 in. in diameter with brick-on-edge steening, by a fine pavement of chiselled and well-rubbed bricks, and by a drain which pours itself on the west into a 2 ft. 4 in. square paved sink for the storage of used up water (PI. X, b), In the central portion may be noticed a fairly well built corner of a large room with a covered drain, another broken drain to its west, and, to its south, two more walls in squares H 10/7 and H 10/12, In the southern portion there is a covered drain in square H 10/3."

- Madho Sarup Vats, Excavations at Harappa: Being an account of archaeological excavations at Harappa carried out between the years 1920-21 and 1933-34. Volume I - Text; Volume II - 139 Plates., pg 49. Image Pl. X, b. (Image title: Drain and sink in the Trench Ae)

This photo is of a drain that empties into a square sump pit and based on the excavations in other parts of Harappa and also Mohenjo Daro, this would indicate that it is on a major street. The drain apparently derives from a nearby bathing platform made with brick on edge paving. Bathing areas are also located at the edges of buildings and adjacent to the street. The text also mentions a large jar with pointed base located nearby that could have been used either for storing water or for use as a sump pot as well.

- Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, 2023.

ASI Description: 

[Original caption] Excavations in Trench Ae, which is southwest of Mound F.

ASI Number: 
Silver Plate: 
Mound F Trench Ae
Find spot: 
Stratum III
Depth (ft.):