A Mundigak III (3400-2900 BCE) bowl.
J.F. Jarrige writes in The Early Architectural Traditions of Greater Indus as Seen from Mehrgarh, Baluchistan "Work conducted at Mehrgarh has clearly shown that the cultural assemblage of the preurban phases of Mundigak (period IV) is closely linked to Baluchistan. The foundation of Mundigak can even be interpreted as the settling of people from Baluch who were probably aware of the importance of such a location for the control of the nearby mineral resources. The remains from period I at Mundigak fit perfectly the cultural assemblage of period III at Mehrgarh, dated to the end of the fifth and the very beginning of the fourth millennium B.C. Now that we know that the Chalcolithic phase of Mehrgarh is directly llinked to more than two millennia of local Neolithic tradition, early Mundigak no longer appears as a seminomadic settlement of colonizers from Iran or Turkmenia." (Studies in the History of Art, Vol. 31, Symposium Papers XV: Urban Form and Meaning in South Asia: The Shaping of Cities from Prehistoric to Precolonial Times (1993), p. 26)