
Ancient Indus civilization wells.

Pit Containing Well

Possibly the “narrow well” with the “steaning wall” only 11 inches thick, in Mound F trench A (e), which Sahni reported from the lowest excavated strata, and which he inferred was connected to the “reservoir” excavated in 1923-24: “In mound F which

Well, Mohenjo-daro

Private wells were rebuilt over many generations to serve the needs of a large household or neighborhood. This well in DK G area at Mohenjo-daro stands like a chimney because all of the surrounding earth has been removed by excavation.

Public well, Harappa

A large public well and public bathing platforms were found in the southern part of Mound AB at Harappa. These public bathing areas may also have been used for washing clothes as is common in many traditional cities in Pakistan and India today.
