Many broken and unfinished stone beads of carnelian (red-orange) and amazonite (blue-green) were found in the floor levels associated with the Ravi phase pits and hearths. (See also slide 119.)
A small faience ram amulet recovered from the fill associated with the southwestern edge of the "granary" platform. (Trench 41SW, H97-3434/7650-01, Length = 21.8 mm)
Scanning electron microscope photos of a molded impression of the drill hole indicate that the amazonite bead (8) was drilled with a tapered chert or jasper drill.
From different levels of the Ravi phase come these terracotta beads (center string) and hard stone beads made from carnelian, amazonite, and lapis lazuli.
Ravi phase microbeads of lapis lazuli (top row), amazonite, and carnelian (bottom row) indicate the size and nature of the drills used for perforation. The largest of the illustrated beads is less than one centimeter in diameter.
After wet screening, the Ravi phase microdebitage, larger flakes, broken drills, and even microbeads are sorted according to type of artifact and kind and color of stone.