
Ancient Indus Valley civilization beads.

Jasper drill bits

Jasper drill bits were used for drilling carnelian and amazonite beads during the Ravi and subsequent phases at Harappa. On the left are two snapped drill tips while on the right is a broken drill base. All are from the Ravi phase.

Steatite beads

Steatite beads from the Early Harappan Periods at Harappa. On the right are many different styles of Ravi Phase beads (circa 3300-2800 BC). Note the blue green glazed bead in the center and the row of unfired beads in the second to the bottom row.

Ravi Phase beads

These beads from the Ravi Phase (3300-2800 BCE) at Harappa have been made from carnelian and amazonite (right hand bead). The raw material used to make these beads was brought to the site from source areas probably in Gujarat, over 900 km to the
