
Harappa, Punjab ancient Indus civilization excavations, figurines, seals and other objects.

Female Figurines

Early Harappan (Kot Dijian Phase, Period II) female figurines are often broken. On the left is the lower half of a figurine, showing wide hips and pointed legs. On the right is the upper half of a figurine with traces of painting.


While it may be surmised that these two circular stones are well-placed in the yoni display case (see linga for Marshall's discussion), Dr. Kenoyer writes of these objects (Ancient Cities , p. 109): "The circle is also a protective symbol that

Lid and Dish Cover

The lid on the left – "shaped like a vase" – shows how varied these objects interpreted as covers could be, including the complex "dish cover" on the right. Sahni concluded, of which these objects fall into the first category: "The excavations were
