Rakigarhi, now recognized as "one of the five largest archaeological sites of the Harappan Civilisation categorised as a metropolitan centre," (p. 55), was first noticed in 1915. The first exploratory data collected in 1969, and the site subject to excavations in the late 1990s when the various mounds and occupation layers were first identified, some dating to pre-Harappan times based on radiocarbon analysis. Excavations at the site by the have continued with breaks into modern times.
This nearly 400 page illustrated volume by Dr. Amendra Nath from 2014 covers three seasons of excavations (1997-2000), and is "drawn on the lines of the Wheeler Committee Report-1965." As the start of a record about this extensive, important major ancient Indus site, it is invaluable. Chapters cover the Environment, Site Catchment, Cuttings and Stratigraphy, Structural Remains, Burials, Ceramic Assemblage, Graffiti, Terracotta Objects, Copper Objects, the Harappan Bead Industry, Shell Objects, Bone and Ivory Objects, Stone Tools and Implements. Appendices look at the region around the site more closely. There are a number of illustrations, many in colour, to accompany the texts. The full download below is free.
Images: 1. Structure from RGR-1, Mature Harappan Period
2. Stratigraphy of RGR-6
3. Burial No. 1, RGR-7, Mature Harappan Period
4. Human figurines from Rakigarhi