Arrows extend from Harappa to likely source areas for raw materials such as agate, lapis lazuli, steatite, marine shell and copper. These raw materials were transformed into ornaments and tools at Harappa for local trade.
The Ravi Phase denotes a
The Indus River as it flows in the Bukkur Gorge between the towns of Sukkur and Rohri some 20 kilometers (km) north of the excavation areas. In the background is the temple island of Sadhbela.
Desert nomads of Cholistan in Punjab come to the annual festival at Channan Pir. They bring with them produce from their herds and minerals from the desert.
Nanga Parbat and numerous other glacier draped mountains of the Himalaya, Karakorum and Hindu Kush provide a continuous source of water for the Indus and its tributaries.
The National Museum of Pakistan description is shown below, although the conical piece in the lower left is a carved shell object and not a weight:
"A large number of stone weights have been found in Mohenjodaro, Harappa and other sites in Sind and
This map shows raw material distributions in the Indus Valley and adjacent regions. The extensive trade networks of the Harappan Period (2600-1900 BCE) linked distant resource areas to the major cities in the Indus and Ghaggar-Hakra river valleys.
This map shows the networks that connected urban centers such as Mohenjo-daro and Harappa during the Harppan Period (2600-2000 BC) with their hinterlands and distant resource areas.In addition to these two cities, other known urban centers include