Excavation of one buttress [99] shows how the silt and garbage from the street spilled into the hollow area from the outside of the "granary", eventually blocking it entirely.
Inside the city wall were domestic structures with hearths and large jars, part of structures that had encroached onto what used to be street along the inner face of the wall (Trench 41NE).
Looking south along Street 3, which runs parallel to First Street in HR area. Agricultural fields and scrub jungle south of the site are visible in the distance.
Superimposed street levels inside the city wall indicate that this area was kept clear until the last phase of the Period 3C occupation when structures were built encroaching onto the street (Trench 41NE)
Many large covered drains were constructed with corbelled arches. These drains ran beneath streets and lanes and were large enough for workmen to enter and clear any obstructions.
The small lane at the left side of the photograph was called Dead Man's Lane because of the discovery of a single skeleton where the wall juts out into the lane. The large street running north south is First Street.
Looking north along First Street. The area to the left has been fully excavated and the area to the right is unexcavated. Later street levels are seen in the background.