Earthen Jar no. 95 found in Pit IV.
Broken jar.
Sahni, however, noted “large sized funerary urns” from Pit II, but only a cell and a covered brick drain and “no other objects of any kind” from Pit IV.
- Daya Ram Sahni ARASI 1924-25, p. 80.
One of the falling walls in Trench 43 crushed a vessel that belongs to Harappa Period 4 (ca. 1900-1800/1700 BC). In this part of the mound, there appear to be transitional levels between the Harappan and Late Harappan periods.
This Period 4 globular pot (H99/8763-503) was found crushed beneath a fallen wall in Trench 43 (see image 59). The rough textured exterior was covered with a thick layer of blackened clay that indicates it was a type of cooking pot and not for water
Area not known
Pottery sherds illustrating different types of surface decoration. One sherd of a distinctive Indus bowl has a molded Indus script on the exterior of the base.