The original walls in a large building complex referred to as the Chief's house have been repaired and conserved. This view shows some reconstructed ground floor rooms and steps leading to a second story room.
The original walls in a large building complex referred to as the Chief's house have been repaired and conserved. This view shows part of a large courtyard and the top of a well on the left.
Looking north along First Street. The area to the left has been fully excavated and the area to the right is unexcavated. Later street levels are seen in the background.
The doors of later buildings can be seen in the upper levels of the wall to the left. The gradual tapering of the walls in the far right was an intentional architectural feature to avoid collapse of the upper floors.
The main street running north south along the east edge of the Great Bath ends with this unique brick platform. The hollow sockets would have held wooden beams that may have formed a gate or traffic control device.
Each block of buildings at Mohenjo-Daro was supplied with one or more wells such as this one in DK-G Area. When archaeologists excavated the fill around the well they were left standing to show the final levels of use.