Ancient Indus Civilization Videos

55 ancient Indus civilization videos curated by Ilona Aronovsky (the few worth watching).
1:00:21 Uzma Rizvi

An overview, with very recent drone footage, of the site describing a major project to understand the site better on a micro-level and the many methods of "care" involved in its maintenance, then and now.


On September 20th, 1924 Sir John Marshall published his story A FORGOTTEN AGE REVEALED that announced the discovery of the ancient Indus civilization to the world for the first time.

1:14:19 Cameron Petrie

An important video that describes how surveying archaeological sites at scale in India and Pakistan can be undertaken, using survey of India maps from the colonial period to help locate potential locations of interest.

24:07 Namit Arora

A very well produced and visually rich introduction to the ancient Indus civilization with Namit Arora, the first of a six part series on the long history of Indians today. Extensive scenes of Dholavira and its possible stadium. Sticks to the facts, and is generally careful about speculation.

24:46 Asko Parpola

Dr. Asko Parpola takes an in-depth look at the recent claims of other researchers like Bryan K. Wells and Andreas Fuls that the Indus script has upward of 700 different signs.

21:29 Dennys Frenez

A very nicely illustrated exposition of the unique set of 70 baked clay sealings found in Lothal, Gujarat by an archaeologist who has long been investigating what they tell us about ancient Indus trade and administrative practices.

29:35 V. N. Prabharkar

A well-illustrated overview of the ancient Indus site of Dholavira, its history and construction with a leading authority on the civilization in Gujarat, India.

27:51 Dennys Frenez, Massimo Vidale

Drs. Dennis Frenez and Massimo Vidale, two leading Indus scholars discuss the layout and features in Mohenjo-daro, including the so-called "Little Great Bath" and Indus water symbolism. Interesting conjectures around, for example, structures around trees in the city, as well as some of the more interesting houses in the city's HR-A area, including Marshall's House VIII that suggests some houses endured, with changes, for centuries.

27:25 Gregg M. Jamison

Ancient Indus sites in Gujarat have both Indus and non-Indus material culture, revealing a distinct regional integration that "parallels other ancient and modern globalization processes," in the words of Dr. Jamison. Seals are a great source of studying this interaction: how are these seals both different and similar?

43:57 P. Ajithprasad, Gregg Jamison

P. Ajithprasad and Gregg Jamison expertly review two recently excavated fortified sites in Gujarat and the seal and sealing finds in stratigraphic context to speculate on their use and purpose.

26:20 Marta Ameri

Dr. Marta Ameri discusses the various types of seals and sealings, with emphasis on the fact that seals were primarily made to be reproduced.

25:48 Jonathan Mark Kenoyer

From the earliest bone seal fragment discovered at Harappa, from 4000 BCE to the varied, diverse seals of around 2500 BCE to the later, fewer ones after 1900 BCE, Jonathan Mark Kenoyer discusses styles and technologies in a long seal-making tradition.

19:14 V.N. Prabhakar

A fascinating look at inscribed objects from a site near Rakigarhi, which goes from the inscriptions that likely belonged to spindle whorls used by weavers to more complex identity and other graffiti markers that may have designated ownership.

20:24 Ayumu Konaskuwawa

Ayumu Konaskuwawa of Kyoto University goes through the first chronology and detailed study of Indus seal production in Kunal, Farmana, Banawali, and Rakigarhi based on the latest scientific techniques.

20:01 Randall Law

Dr. Randall Law gives in in-depth analysis of the steatite manufacturing debris used in ancient Indus seals to show how the bulk of it came from sources in the far north including Hazara and Jammu.
