Ashy debris deposits continued to accumulate outside of the perimeter wall, covering the curtain wall. These date to the end of Harappa Period 3B and the beginning of Period 3C.
Cross-sections inside (top) and outside (bottom) of perimeter wall [250]. The wall itself, being of mud-brick, was heavily eroded, sometimes to a lower elevation than the adjoining more densely packed street debris.
In 2001, excavation of perimeter wall [250] was extended to the Northwest. Here the surface of the wall is being cleared and the bricks outlined. Note the excavation in the foreground left where there was no mud-brick.
Lateral view of remnants of brick walls and massive mud brick platforms of the Harappan and Early Harappan (Kot Diji) Periods on the west side of Trench 54. Looking North.
Plan view of the portion of perimeter wall [250] excavated in 2001. The pattern of the bricks suggests a complicated series of additions to the inside of the structure that are not yet well understood.