After surface collections, the Trench 54 area of Mound E was selected for excavations because it allowed the exposure of a large area of the earliest levels of the ancient Harappan Period city, dating to approximately 2600-2450 BC.
A few female figurines from Harappa have a sort of "tiara" attached to the front of the fan-shaped headdress.
Approximate dimensions (W x H x D): 6.0 x 8.7 x 3.9 cm.
Many broken and unfinished stone beads of carnelian (red-orange) and amazonite (blue-green) were found in the floor levels associated with the Ravi phase pits and hearths. (See also slide 119.)
This large Ravi phase pit was filled with domestic trash and some bead making debris. The broken amazonite bead in (8) can be seen just above the scale inside the pit to the lower right of the image.
Excavations in Trench 39 South 1996 uncovered the floor of a house dating to the Ravi Phase (circa 3100 BCE). Many complete vessels were found sitting on the floor along with broken necklaces, bone and stone tools, spindle whorls and bangles made of
A small faience ram amulet recovered from the fill associated with the southwestern edge of the "granary" platform. (Trench 41SW, H97-3434/7650-01, Length = 21.8 mm)