Harappa Archaeological Research Project

HARP (Harappa Archaeological Research Project) a group of scholars from a variety of fields dedicated to advancing the study of the ancient Indus Valley civilization.

Harappa, Mound AB

The northern end of Mound AB, shown here from the North, comprises more than 17 meters of occupational debris beginning on top of an old levee of the river Ravi and continuing up from the Ravi [Aspect of the Hakra] phase (Period 1 from before 3300 to

Harappa Mound E

Panoramic view of Mound E with modern Harappa town at the far left. In the center are excavation areas from 1987-1990. At the right is the area of Trench 54, excavated in 2000, that exposes the earliest levels of the ancient Harappan Period city.

Mound AB, Ravi phase

View of Harappa Mound AB Trench 39N from the North showing the earliest Ravi [Aspect of the Hakra] phase occupation levels (Period IA, ca. 3300 BC). These levels revealed traces of post molds from houses that were oriented N-S/E-W.
