Ancient Indus civilization articles which can be downloaded and read as PDF files from this site.

Shell Working Industries of the Indus Civilization: A Summary

Shell Inlay
Major species of marine mollusca used in the shell industry are discussed in detail and possible ancient shell source areas are identified. Variations in shell artifacts within and between various urban, rural and coastal sites are presented as evidence for specialized production, hierarchical internal trade networks and regional interaction spheres.

Lithic Production: The Excavation of RH962 Flint Mine and Flint Knapping Workshops on the Rohri Hills

Excavation of RH962 Flint Mine and Flint Knapping Workshops on the Rohri Hills
This paper considers one aspect of the research conducted by the Italian Archaeological Mission in Sindh, more specifically the discovery of the Indus flint mines of the III millennium BC in the Rohri Hills, and the excavations carried out at flint mine RH962.
