Ancient Indus civilization articles which can be downloaded and read as PDF files from this site.

Socio-Economic Structures of the Indus Civilization as Reflected in Specialize Crafts and the Question of Ritual Segregation

Socio-Economic Structures of the Indus Civilization as Reflected in Specialize Crafts and the Question of Ritual Segregation
The author's research on the understanding of specialized crafts and the trade/exchange between rural and urban sites combined with his recent ethnoarchaeological studies has led him to question some of the generalizations that are prevalent about craft specialization and socio-economic organization of the Indus Civilization.

The Harappan Unicorn in Eurasian and South Asian perspectives

"My conclusion," writes the Indus script scholar Asko Parpola, "is that the Indian Rsyasrnga legend goes back to the Harappan religion, where the unicorn bull depicted on thousands of seals has a real local animal, the nilgai antelope, called rsya in Sanskrit. His single horn, the length of which is exaggerated, has a phallic connotation and emphasizes the importance of this animal as a symbol of fertility."
