Ancient Indus Valley Civilization Articles

359 peer-reviewed articles from leading journals about the latest discoveries about the ancient Indus civilization, its antecedents and contemporaries in the Persian Gulf and Mesopotamia, during the Bronze Age 3500-1700 BCE by the world's ancient Indus archaeologists and scholars.

The Decline of the Harappans

The archaeologist George F. Dales, who excavated at Mohenjo-daro in 1964, and hydrologist Robert L. Raikes propose a theory around the decline of the Indus civilization which involves large flooding and a back-up of the Indus for perhaps a century in ancient times.

The Lady of the Spiked Throne

The Power of a Lost Ritual. An exceptional and controversial recent find in a private collection is analyzed by a leading Italian archaeologist in this fully illustrated complete online volume with many potential implications for understanding ancient Indus culture.

Shu-ilishu's Cylinder Seal

A Mesopotamian cylinder seal referring to the personal translator of the ancient Indus or Meluhan language, Shu-ilishu, who lived around 2020 BCE during the late Akkadian period.

Materials used in the Bronze Age

A discussion of some of the approaches meta-issues that arise when investigating raw materials, their locations and histories of their exploitation and how these can be interpreted. Particular attention is paid to carnelian and the history of possible sources in Gujarat.

Is the Indus script indeed not a writing system?

Is the Indus Script Indeed Not a Writing System?

In 2008, Dr. Parpola published an updated 2nd paper addressing the controversial Farmer thesis Is the Indus script indeed not a writing system? It originally appeared as part of a felicitations volume in honor of Iravatham Mahadevan published in Chennai, India.

The Aryan Homeland Debate in India

An incisive look at the debate around this issue by one of India's foremost archaeological thinkers. Ratnagar looks at the issue in light of Indian Independence and the various political issues and currents that affect archaeological discourse and interpretations.

The Levallois Mousterian Assemblages of Sindh

The Levallois Mousterian Assemblages of Sindh (Pakistan) and their Relations with the Middle Paleolithic of the Indian Subcontinent

The research carried out in the Indian Subcontinent, Central Asia, Iran, and the Arabian Peninsula has improved our knowledge of the Middle Paleolithic in the regions. However, the southeasternmost distribution of the Levallois Mousterian is still poorly defined.

Sonari: A Bronze Age Settlement (Sindh, Pakistan)

Sonari: A Bronze Age Settlement Biagi and Nisbet

The surveys carried out by Professor A.R. Khan in Lower Sindh, Pakistan, during the 1970s led to the discovery of an impressive number of prehistoric sites, some of which are briefly described in Khan’s important monograph on the geomorphology and prehistory of Sindh. Strangely, however, he never mentioned the existence of a (still) unique fisher-gatherer settlement at Sonari in spite of earlier visits he paid to the area.

The Palaeolithic Sites at Ongar: a Resource in Danger

The Palaeolithic Sites at Ongar in Sindh : Paolo Biagi and Renato Nisbet

A brief article by Paolo Biagi and Renato Nisbet which discusses the Palaeolithis sites at Ongar (Sindh, Pakistan), their potential value, the dangers of losing the site and unwillingness of local government to secure it. The article includes nearly a dozen color images including maps, diagrams, and on-location photos of the site.

Three End-Scrapers from Mohenjo-Daro (Pakistan)

Stone debitage and tools from Mohenjo-daro

The evidence and theories surrounding three chert end-scrapers which were discovered on the surface of Mohenjo-Daro. Wear patterns as well traces of an organic substance found in the grooves offer insight into the original uses of the artifacts.

Early Beadmakers of the Indus Tradition

Steatite Beads Mehrgarh

This paper examines a reconstruction of the techniques used by the ancient beadmakers for the production of 'steatite' beads in Mehrgarh (Pakistan) during the fifth century (BCE). Additionally, it includes an in-depth analysis of the methodologies and modern technologies employed in the comparative
