Mining Bronze Age Stone Resources: Some examples from the Caucasus (Georgia) and Sindh (Pakistan)

Archaeologists often assume that metals like bronze replaced the need for stone tools, but is this really the case given the evidence in these two areas not to mention select Mediterranean regions? In the Indus region, what was the use of these tools given their limited presence in Mohenjo-daro and Harappa?

Building a Heterarchic Society The Concept of City and Urban Life in the Indus Civilization


Drs. Dennis Frenez and Massimo Vidale, two leading Indus scholars discuss the layout and features in Mohenjo-daro, including the so-called "Little Great Bath" and Indus water symbolism. Interesting conjectures around, for example, structures around trees in the city, as well as some of the more interesting houses in the city's HR-A area, including Marshall's House VIII that suggests some houses endured, with changes, for centuries.


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