Holocene people and sea-level changes along the northern coast of the Arabian Sea (Pakistan)
This paper develops a key theme relating to the origins of the ancient Indus civilization – the very different geographical reality in the Indus delta and the Arabian coast in the millennia preceding its rise.
Indus Objects at the National Museum of Pakistan, Karachi
A new 37 (to start) slide section takes the viewer through the ancient Indus pieces at the National Museum of Pakistan in Karachi. Pakistan's ancient Indus holdings are actually scattered across provincial, national and site museum collections.
The Origins of the Indus Civilization
As Dr. Rafique Mughal leads the first major excavation at the site of Ganweriwala in the Cholistan desert – an exceptionally exciting development in ancient Indus archaeology – it is well worth reviewing his earlier papers, many of which were published in Pakistani archaeological journals forty or more years ago.
Inter-Regional Interaction and Urbanism in the Ancient Indus Valley
This book brought a trove of new information to bear that is slowly making its way into Indus archaeology while its materials analysis techniques are becoming more prevalent and important.
Fish Symbolism in Indus Valley Epigraphy and Protohistoric Accounts
The writer, who teaches at CNRS/Université Paris-Saclay in France, has come up with a paper rich in historical and epigraphical associations that complexify and simplify thinking about one of the most important signs on Indus seals, "nearly ten percent of all textual matter."