Gola Dhoro (Bagasra)

Gola Dhoro (Bagasra)

Craft Production at Gola Dhoro

Copper Working

Compared to the small size of the settlement the number of copper objects recovered is very high, which includes a copper vessel, containing eight bangles and an axe perhaps stored for recycling the precious metal, besides a variety of other copper objects. One of the important discoveries from southern half of the settlement outside the fortification is the recovery of unique copper knives with bone handles or protective sheath meant to protect the sharp working edge of the tool. A unique copper battle-axe "parshu", is also a very interesting find from this area, the small size of the battle - axe perhaps suggesting some ritualistic function.

These unique copper knives were recovered in association with large quantities of animal and fish bones and at present we are trying to understand if these knives had any functional relation with butchering and preparation of the fish for drying etc. It is very rare to come across such unique knives with well-preserved handles or covers, hence throw up a challenge for archaeologists to conserve them as it is.

No evidence of copper smelting has been found from the site. However, recovery of a few heavily sand tampered clay crucibles with copper adhering in them, perhaps point to the fact that they were used in melting the copper. Many of these copper objects were perhaps made at the site using sand molds that would leave very little or no traces for the archaeologist.